Phases of the Moon: Day Twenty-Nine.

Not heard
So extremes are enacted:
Scream or go silent.

Not seen
So extremes are reactive:
Deny or disappear.

Already wounded
With a world’s wrong recipe
On how to help heal. To calm.

Step One: Blame the victim.
The wound expands, bleeding
For its scream to be seen.

Step Two: Discern transparency.
Manipulate for a self-service
The system scrambles to caulk its cracks.

Step Three: To the Board of Trustees.
To the wolves with a pack of cigarettes,
And the antidote to their own mistrust disease.

Step Four: Create a new story.
Mix egg whites, blend yellow with black pepper,
Add the cream of the crop-
Depending on the season of expenditures.

Step Five: Change of season.
It’s happened, and it’s not in your control-
It’s time to let go and to trust.

Step Six: Faultiness finds fault.
Neither yours, nor mine, nor others.
It’s time to see the side mirror, find peace.

Step Seven: Magic transfers power.
The wolves hand over their creation for all
Their destruction offers space to rebuild.

Step Eight: Clear the spiders
Who live in the cracks of your car
Webs are indeed closer than they appear.

Step Nine: Accept no blame.
Stitch the wound with your grief
All the pain, not forgotten, can find relief.

Remember who you are
Remember where you come from
And write a new recipe with strength.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles Photography at

Last poem + last Phases of the Moon series posts (for now)…! Originally called, SOLD: Recipe For Healing, this poem so eloquently leads me into my next project. I am gearing up for my new (and more humorous) Inklings series: Recipes. Tomorrow I will share the opener to the next series. Onward!

July 21st, 2017.

Phases of the Moon: Day Twenty-Eight.

Anecdotes in peaceful moments.

An old short short, called Graves. I thought this simple poem would be perfect for the near ending of this moon cycle. May your day and night be peaceful…

One more day + onto the next project. New Moon 🌙 🌚  coming for us all on my dad’s birthday, July 23rd. Can’t wait!

July 20th, 2017.

Phases of the Moon: Day Twenty-Seven.

Swayed by just an inch of song
My feet become unglued
And I am taken away
Like a kite made of branches
In an unrelenting wind
Strong enough to carry me
Moving me far too easily.

Like a pair of discarded stockings
No body in there
My pink polka dots dance
With that bohemian adventure
Heartbreak waiting on the wings
Of my desire for the plain
It’s simple, I am moved far too easily.

I glide across compass points
Hanging onto an objective view
Where notes are felt falling for the layers
And tears drop into the wild and untamed ion
Charging me with an electric fear
For the pending loss of your unspoken words
Tell me, even silence moves me all too easily.

A failed retreat from the depth
In receipt of your last death
The dust swirling around my waist
Longing for that one glorious taste
Of your safe landing space
Won’t you help me to be free
Won’t you love me… move me too easily.

Image (“Red Kite Moon”) courtesy of Dr. Joseph Valks at

Old poem called Moved Too Easily, for this Moon Series. Two more poems, two more days…and then! Onto the next project. Hope you enjoy the next series 🦋

July 19th, 2017.

Phases of the Moon: Day Twenty-Six.

Teach Me To Be Simple
“Grace is the beauty of form under the influence of freedom.” -Friedrich Schiller

I’m not trying to be a martyr.
I’m trying to be myself.
I feel the weight of this world…
It’s duality and projection and
Reflections of chaos and confusion
…And I’m just trying to be me.

But I feel the burden of the bees
I feel the burden of the workers
Trying to maintain comfort
Catering and offering catharsis to the queen.
I feel the burden of our connections
Our karmas, our time in timelessness-
I feel things most cannot see.

A part of me wishes it all away
I wish not to be.
But that is my ego
Trying to hold on to the me
It’s the ego experiencing
That none of this is actually free.

Spirit knows none of “this” Real.
What’s Real is YOU and ME.
The bees teach us to just BE…
To breathe and to live simply.
Still…the complexity has be
Come disjointed and over
Whelming, unfortunately.

The depths of our souls
They tell us who we are
And yet many rely on sense.
Somehow my senses tell me
That everything is
Simply a dream.

Image courtesy of Suriya Kankliang/

Yet another old poem, called Teach Me To Be Simple, for this Moon Series. Almost at the end here. True beginnings of “new” are approaching. So. Much. Work. Happy endings to you. May they bring you new freedom + joy!

July 18th, 2017.

Phases of the Moon: Day Twenty-Five.

NYC - Manhattan

Why do we try to heal ourselves
Before we see the healer?

Afraid of our own weaknesses
Dare not let pride wane.

Fearful the makeshift masks will bleed
Dry pure, wash off, be plain.

Why do we try to prepare for our healing
Before we see the healer?

Contorted control of what needs to be wild
Comforted vaguely by the feigned.

Wanting to please, to be seen for our good
While cauterizing the needle with the vein.

Why do we fear the change from healing
Before we see the healer?

Scars from experience remind us of our own memories
All we can do is focus on being sane.

The shovel is waiting in its own image
Where all we can sense is the way out of pain.

Why don’t we just dabble with healing
Because the healer is nothing to fear?

The regal lion says it will fuck you up
As a proud Leo, I know my own mane.

The regal lion too sees with a keen eye
He clearly has no desire to reign.

Why don’t we use our own courage as medicine
Because the healer can only do so much?

Commitment phobic to anything but adventure
Climbing pyroclastic peaks in the rain.

Trusting fools and falling blind to faults
Fantasy found its home in vain.

Why don’t we see that we are the healer
Because the healer is a guide on the path?

Something to heal just means there is more road ahead
Streets in the center are always called “Main.”

How beautiful it is that we must go downtown
For that is where we discover our gold to gain.

Old poem called, The Healer. I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS NEW MOON, FULL MOON, NEW MOON SITUATION IN LEO AND/OR AQUARIUS! Working on the next Inklings series, which will be more up your alley. And mine. Been a struggle to do this series I had such ideas for. Oh well, it is good to try new ideas regardless, right?

FIRE: The Element + Signs

Fire burns earth, consumes air, and can blaze on and in water. Fire appears to destroy, and yet its destruction is itself destroyed by creation. It can be unpredictable, though it can also be controlled and contained. Fire is the only element that produces its own light as it burns through any and all potential energy. All of these qualities of this element correspond to how fire is understood in Astrology: fire is the intuitive, the passionate and the creative or expressive.

While all four elements deal with our feeling nature in some way (sensual earth, emotional water, and thoughtful air), fire points to our “gut” feelings. Not to be confused with instinctual feeling, fire is more precisely aligned with intuition. It’s that voice in the back of your head or in the middle of your heart telling you what you ought and ought not do – that part of you that just knows. Instinct is of a more watery nature; linked more to survival, instinct tends to breed action without thought whereas intuition allows for thought to precede, surge through, and follow action.

This detail is noteworthy because it helps to shape the first of the three fire signs: Aries. Aries is the cardinal fire sign, and its planetary ruler is Mars. Mars is a raw, power planet and it is traditionally associated with war and assertiveness. Aries’ energy expresses itself as such, which can sometimes come off as aggressive or offensive – there is the perception that thought doesn’t occur until after action with this energy. At any rate though, Aries is still not instinctual – it is raw intuition, primal passion, and impulsive drive. Aries is definitely a go-getter; racing through life, this fire sign is that first big blaze, that initial spark.

Leo follows Aries, and this fixed fire sign is situated dead center in that brilliant heat of summer. That intense scorching, searing sun that we see and feel at the end of July through the end of August succinctly typifies Leo’s fire. Leo is, in fact, ruled by the Sun – a light so bright that it damages our eyes if we stare into it for too long. Leo is all about the Self and the Will – it is the light inside of us that will be seen and heard, and it will shine when it wants, how it wants, and where it wants. (It is no wonder a lion represents this dramatic display of fire). This type of fire is usually contained (remember, regal lion is Leo’s animal symbol), but it most certainly must be self-contained. If pride is hurt or loyalty betrayed (if you rub a lion’s mane the wrong way), this type of fire may raze (and raise) some eyebrows!

Finally, freedom-loving, philosophical Sagittarius finishes out the fire element. Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign, and it is most definitely not contained fire. Sagittarius scatters its energy in a big way – it is ruled by jovial Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. You never know where ever-changing Sagittarius will be from one day to the next, but you can bet fun will not be lacking! In fact, intuition suggests you get out there and travel with a Sagittarius right now! Stop reading, start packing – no, don’t even pack, just go!