ART | I | FACTS – No. 15



Fact :: When I began imagining this piece, I allowed for a gathering-of-data phase on the idea of fragility. I drove to work the next day contemplating again. In that instant, I saw an Access•a•Ride Van on my right on the highway. I cannot imagine being without my legs or my hands or anything I take for granted to live how I live now… The “simplest” thing taken from me would further expose me as even more fragile than I already am in this body. So I started to draw…

The very next day, I went to Chipotle today for work lunch, and I thought there was no line whatsoever. There was actually one person in line – someone in a wheelchair – and I didn’t see him when I walked in. Sure, there was sun glare up to a point, and sure I don’t have the best eyesight. But excuses aside… I didn’t see this man right away. The assembly line walkway was JUST the right size – I noticed how his navigation felt confined… To me, as I experienced + observed/witnessed from my perspective. That evening, I worked a little bit more on this drawing…

The next evening: a bird shat on me. No joke. I am almost 33 years old and have never had such luck! I am choosing to see it as LUCK for a number of reasons, which I won’t detail here. I finished this piece on ‘fragility’ tonight… realizing where + how my chakras are showing up… My Heart acting as roots • My Third Eye + Crown growing from there • In a desert, at night • As a Sun we may take for granted cracks open, showing its own fragility • There is more going on here… but basically my attention as I went along created new awareness on my own ‘luck’ in life • I am lucky to Be Who I Am • I Am Becoming New through experience • I Know Who I Am • I Know how I serve • Check out Paul Selig’s channeled reads… they are SO powerful!! 💕🙌

+ How are you with your Infinite Core? +

+ What does it feel like to have this Earthly experience? +

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